Often times there is a hole on the side known as a “carb” which acts as a way to clear your smoke and alter your airflow. Use a grinder to break up the herb you want to smoke in the bowl. Use a standard lighter when smoking from a glycerine pipe. If you use a… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Tag: upnsmoke
Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
A glass smoking bowl is just a part of a glass weed pipe. The bowl is where the weed or tobacco is placed before it is smoked. The design is simple, consisting of just the bowl and the straw, and many people just refer to them as glass smoking bowls. Compared to other materials, like metal,… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY