This acrylic straight tube bong from Headway Designs makes the consummate addition to any smoker’s lineup. Silky smooth and flavorful This Glass Bellow Base Dual Arm Recycler is the perfect piece for both dry herbs or concentrates. This showerhead perc banger hanger rig features a simple design but with incredible function. Smoke will travel from… Continue reading Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
Tag: thawing
Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
You can also use copper plumbing pipes for underground plumbing, as they are resistant to rusting and leakage. Though, they are sensitive to certain soil conditions. Before beginning any project, it’s best to check with what local building codes recommend. Drawbacks surrounding PVC pipe include limited size options, an inability to withstand hot water, and… Continue reading Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
You can customize your piece to your liking and add as many percolators as your bong allows. An ash catcher will function as an extra filtration system to catch any ash or small weed particles that may have made its way through your water pipe upon inhaling. It can also serve as an additional water… Continue reading Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
Basic Information About Lead In Drinking Water
In March 2016, elevated lead levels were detected in the drinking water of nearly half of Newark’s public schools, originating from old fixtures and faucets, and the solder between water pipes. The next year, lead levels in one out of every five water samples taken in the city exceeded the EPA’s action level. Further tests… Continue reading Basic Information About Lead In Drinking Water
Daniel Pipes
Our pipe systems and treatment plants are old and in need of replacement. Some of the equipment and materials are reaching 100 years old. The annual cost to repair broken pipes has reached $20 million. Flare connections require that the end of a tubing section be spread outward in a bell shape using a flare… Continue reading Daniel Pipes
Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
Soft copper is the most popular choice for refrigerant lines in split-system air conditioners and heat pumps. If frequent disconnection will be required, gasketed pipe flanges or union fittings provide better reliability than threads. Some thin-walled pipes of ductile material, such as the smaller copper or flexible plastic water pipes found in homes for ice… Continue reading Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
Why Business Models Fail
Compression fittings use a soft metal or thermoplastic ring (the compression ring or “ferrule”) which is squeezed onto the pipe and into the fitting by a compression nut. The soft metal conforms to the surface of the tubing and the fitting, and creates a seal. Compression connections do not typically have the long life that… Continue reading Why Business Models Fail
Shop Pipes & Bongs
Do not necessarily pack it as fully or tightly as possible, as this can restrict airflow. As of 2016, a basic toolkit required to sweat solder all the copper glass pipes of a typical single family residence, including fuel and solder, can be purchased for approximately $200. By contrast, the minimum cost of a basic… Continue reading Shop Pipes & Bongs
Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes
A few other kinds of stores, like adult stores or gas stations, may also carry glass glass pipes. The City of Tampa offers a Customer Assistance Program to provide relief for qualifying account holders. This program will waive all base charges and include a free water conservation audit and complimentary water conserving devices. Water has… Continue reading Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes