Albany, in compliance with federal guidelines, uses corrosion treatments to minimize the leaching. The Water Department says that 90 percent of the homes tested were below the lead levels that trigger recommendations for remedial action. Lead-tainted water made national headlines starting in 2014 with revelations that water in Flint, Mich., was heavily tainted with lead… Continue reading Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
Tag: shaped
Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
“[The EPA’s rule] makes no sense in terms of serious protection of public health,” Christopher Portier, the former director of the CDC’s environmental health division, told APM Reports. “A child drinking 15 parts per billion of lead in their drinking water on water pipes a regular basis was going to exceed our of 5 micrograms… Continue reading Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
When a person swallows or breathes in lead particles, the body stores the toxin in the blood, bones, and tissues, where it accumulates over time. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is no safe level of lead exposure. Lead is particularly harmful to children, causing reduced IQ, language development, and attention span, and… Continue reading Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?
Lead is a toxic metal that is persistent in the environment and can accumulate in the body over time. Risk will vary depending on the individual, the chemical conditions of the water, and the amount consumed. For example, infants who drink formula prepared with lead-contaminated tap water may be at a higher risk of exposure… Continue reading Why Are Your Pipes “s” Shaped Under Your Sink?