We believe in a loud and proud approach to life and, yes, that includes weed paraphernalia. We believe your smoking tool—even something as simple and small as a weed pipe—should convey something about you, design-wise. The possibilities are endless, but we’ve wrangled up a few to get you started. Bubbler – These hybrid pipes combine the small and portable size of a hand pipe with the clean and smooth water filtration of a water pipe.
This story is shared by hundreds if not thousands of people who were following the Grateful Dead on tour that summer. One of those people was named Bob Snodgrass, and he would later become famous as the man who invented the modern glass pipe making industry as we know it. Bob Snodgrass was the first to fume his glass with Gold and Silver to produce mind-bending colors after resin glass pipes started to build up inside. He was also extremely close to being the person to invent the all-in-one glass bong. Bob Snodgrass, and his apprentice and glass bong inventor, Cameron Tower, are still kicking and still lampworking to this day. While some may prefer a bong or dab rig instead, hand pipes like spoons and sherlocks offer the convenience of easy travel and portability.
No matter what you’re smoking, you can’t go wrong with a glass pipe. If you like to travel with your piece, a glass pipe is the way to go. ThisDonut Spoon Pipeis 3.5″ (8.9cm) tall, and boasts a miniature size for easy storage and transport. The pipe has a donut style mouthpiece that helps provide smoother hits. ThisBi-level Sherlock Hand Pipeis 4.5 inches (11.4 cm) tall with a flat bottom for a solid footing. Reminiscent of a classic wooden smoker’s pipe and updated for today’s next level smoke sesh.
Make it personal with names, special dates, original messages and others. We can add up to 15 letters in four different font colors – black/red/green/blue. Not only we can personalize your bong/pipe with letters but also with simple picture of your choice – e.h. ShopHand PipeA Hand Pipe is what most people visualize when the term ‘pipe’ is water pipes used. The user then cups both hands together to make a relatively airtight chamber, flexes the thumb to create a small hole, presses lips to the thumb hole and inhales. Chillum is used interchangeably with Onie, One Hitter and Cigarette Holder, though functionally, it is not the same by nature of the dents made for the holding fingers.
Most ascribe this apparatus to India as a method of hygenic smoking where the lips of the user never actually touch the pipe. With the advent of glass pipes however, the function of this apparatus is just ceremonial; a glass pipe can be sterilized at the mouthpiece simply by passing an lit lighter over it a few times. Typically, this is not a problem as the glass used to create glass smoking pipes is usually very durable because it is goes through a process that increases the strength of the glass considerably.