Alen True Hepa Air Purifier

With the Blueairs, operation in very dusty environments can clog filter faces prematurely. But Alen has wisely addressed the biggest issue with Blueair’s filter design, the lack of a prefilter. Folks who prefer quiet low speed operation should size the BreatheSmart even more conservatively. Topten Reviews divided the manufacturer’s room size in half, allowing 550 square feet, still vastly inflated. BreatheSmart’s digital control panel is top mounted, featuring LED indicator lights. Alen has tried approaching the upper price echelon from the “green” angle, with the Alen Paralda air purifier, but without much success.

If you have a master bedroom , the Classic unit is the perfect one for you; or at least that would be said in 2019. The 75i model is an upgrade of the very popular Classic model from the 1st BreatheSmart series. The nice design makes it more attractive when you see it in the middle of your room. Comes in a lot of different colors to choose the one that will fit your decor the best. It is rated to cover a 1,100 sqft once every 20 minutes. It can really cover a whole house with no problem in a short period of time.

Sufficiently high CADR rating, 700 sq ft coverage area at 2 ACH , low bedroom-friendly noise rates, and affordable price earns Alen BreatheSmart FLEX a very high rating. For 500+ sq ft coverage at 5 ACH, check the 75i model in the list of best air purifiers. Like the Alen unit, this one is well-designed and utilizes a powerful filter to remove 99.97% of allergens and pollutants from the air. But unlike the BreatheSmart, this one can easily cover rooms of up to 1,000 square feet.

If you are looking for a quality purifier with more power to clean a large space in less time, we recommend the Okaysou AirMax 10L. Generally, the HEPA filters need to be changed out more often than the carbon and macro filters. Moreover, in a multi-layer setup, the outermost filter is often washable and reusable, which means it rarely needs to be replaced. Even at its highest setting, this Alen purifier uses only about 45 watts of energy. As their website points out, this is less than the power used by a lightbulb. If you plan to keep your purifier running consistently, energy efficiency is an important factor to consider.

This is a pre-test review, meaning we have not yet personally tested it. Our review is based off of manufacturer specs and other public information. Our scores are estimates based on our prior air purifier tests and research relative to the known specs about the Breathesmart line. This air purifier has four different kinds of filters to choose from. The stats above are based on the Alen BreatheSmart Classic air purifier, but different spaces call for different models. The BreatheSmart lineup spans from a purifier for 700 sf up to 1300 sf.

alen breathesmart

I also had no issues on the second lowest setting either, which may have even helped send me off to sleep with its gentle ASMR-esq pink noise hum. After a couple of weeks of running the machine, I was amazed to see the build-up of large dust particles and hair that had collected on the prefilter. To remove the build-up, Alen states simply vacuum the filter with it in place. This worked well for me however this could provide a challenge if you only have an upright vacuum cleaner.

Our reviews and buyers guides are always either based on reviews we’ve done ourselves, or aggregated from trusted sources. Too many are simply trying to capitalize on affiliate revenue. And often they review only the products that provide alen breathesmart the most kickbacks when you buy. Look Mold provides a platform that allows consumers to submit requests for Mold Inspections, Mold Remediation, other related services. Look Mold does not provide any mold services or materials.

This air purifier is an excellent option for living rooms since it protects up to 1,300 square feet and removes 99.99% of dangerous air particulates. The impressive room coverage is also ideal for large offices, master bedrooms, and classrooms. Alen has been developing their renowned BreatheSmart air purifiers, and the BreatheSmart 75i is undoubtedly an upgrade from the 45i. It has Smart control, modern features, a lower decibel noise level, and an improved true HEPA filter. It’s perfect for killing germs and removing harmful air particles of any size in various rooms.