With our Money Back Guarantee, we’ll give you a full refund if the item isn’t delivered by the maximum delivery date. You can initiate a refund on items within 30 days of delivery or the maximum delivery date if the item hasn’t arrived. For some time now, we have seen pictures of babies in cute neck floaties all over social media, but cute is probably about all they are.
Once their first selling service is complete, we’ll send you and your friend both $50 store credit. It is fully equipped with a removable tail and canopy and the pearl-foam outline can accommodate larger babies. Additionally, the float is made of patented pearl foam to enhance buoyancy. You can apply small amounts of sunscreen on your baby’s face. Also, keep in mind it takes half an hour for the sunscreen to take effect . Restore patch package included – if it ought to spring a leak, there is no such thing as a want for worries.
SwimWays Baby Spring Float is a comfortable activity pool float designed to keep kids safer on the water. The materials are 100% child safe, intex frame pool while its interactive accessories fascinate children while in use. My son enjoys it it ,can be easily deflated and stored when not in use.
You can use it on the water all day without it leaking and sacrificing the safety of your child. PVC is also child friendly due to its smooth structure and lack of harsh elements such as phthalates and BPA. Introduce your baby to fun water play with the INTEX Kiddie Float.
We do not accept free products from any company––we only review products we love. By clicking on the products below, we may receive a commission at no cost to you. Please note, a stock image is included to provide you with a visual snapshot of this item that we could not capture otherwise. An extra bonus of this float is its ease of use and portability, maximizing fun times for you and your baby. The two handles on either side of the float offer grips your baby can hold onto as they flow with the waves.
I bought this intex inflatable baby float for my daughter for a family pool party. She was very interested in sitting on the baby float as it felt more safe for her. It got leg holes to stay intex purespa relaxed in pools .It is easy to inflate and the sunshade canopy over protected her from sun light to enjoy the pool. Intex Kiddie Float is a 32×26″ pool float for kids ages 1-2 years old.