Since the 70s, we have added new styles including the signature men’s slim fit polo shirts. This style provides the trimmest silhouette and looks great with a pair of men’s seersucker shorts or men’s slim fit chinos. Looking ralph lauren t shirt for a dressier alternative? Shop men’s dress shirts for additional options for a more formal setting. Since its introduction in 1972, Ralph Lauren’s polo shirt has become a lasting icon of American culture and lifestyle.
And now I had my hubby try it and it was glorious, still. All those green notes, tobacco , spices to add complexity. Nothing skanky, just very appealing to me.
Mature scent, it would not suit high school anymore. Just got my bottle yesterday, it is a current formulation. When I opened the box the smell was resonating from the package, I was very pleased. I sprayed it on lightly and it was close to what I recalled. Very green, woody, spicy and fresh. You can sense this old masterpiece influenced many scents by Amouage, nasomatto and others.
It lost that something special, those truly rich and deep notes. It smelled like the highest quality and made you smell rich. Todays version, it’s quite ralph lauren t shirt obvious that the quality has been gutted from it. I can’t begin to tell you younger lads just how incredible this fragrance was back in the day!
There is not a shred of femininity in this bad boy. It’s rich, aromatic, and powerful. Those easily offended or wishing to smell like a lollipop need not apply here; you can continue to share your perfume with females. This isn’t a “panty dropper”, those do not exist. but it will sure draw in the ladies who are looking for someone with confidence and warmth. Wear this around the holidays, by the fireplace, in a cozy place, etc.
Life is too short not to smell this great. However, I’m youngish so my experience has been positive since most of my peers don’t remember or weren’t around for the 70s or 80s and haven’t smelled this. If anything this cologne gets the most positive reaction from younger women out of all my colognes. Not exactly “sexy” positive, but “unique” positive, in a good way. Classic but in a working class way. My father used to wear this a lot to work.