His and hers Schwinn adult beach cruiser bikes

It has rim brakes which we prefer to a coaster, and comes in several fun color schemes. Established 1979, founder and proprietor Roger Charly on Premises. ©2021 Budget Bicycle Center    Prices, policies and availability subject to change without notice. Before selecting the right bike for yourself, you need to analyze the product thoroughly, and you did the research and analysis part for yourself.

Everywhere I ride, people stop to look at the bike and marvel at its beauty. Kids want me to beep the horn, and old folks recollect having a bike very similar when they were kids. Very smooth and comfortable, and having seven gears makes long rides very easy, schwinn bikes even if the elevation changes. If you buy directly from us, we’re gonna allow you to customize it. We’re gonna build one-off bikes for whoever wants to do it. We’re gonna change your rims, change tires, we can change seat colors, basically anything.

schwinn cruiser bike

Smooth shifting, comfortable seat, and rack for carrying small items. The swept-back handle design provides a comfortable, upright riding position that is great for your lower back. It features a rear coaster braking system, which provides intuitive stopping power.

This stylish bike features a steel low-step frame and lugged fork for a comfortable ride and comes in two sizes to fit riders of different heights. It’s lightweight, has a 3-speed internally geared hub, and features a belt drive rather than a chain. That said, not all cruiser bikes for women are built equally. In fact, cruiser bikes are notorious for being heavy and difficult to pedal. This is a particular problem for women who tend to be lighter weight than men and therefore need a lighter bike to maintain a decent bike to body weight ratio.

Close-up of the Schwinn derailleur for riders who prefer Cruiser 5-speed versatility. A comfortable seat and upright handlebars are standard on all Cruisers. New this year is optional Schwinn custom-designed schwinn online discount store Cruiser Carrier. If somewhat understated, yet functional comfort is what you’re looking for choose the Schwinn’s standard coaster brake Cruiser. Whitewall balloon tires and Electro-forge cantilever frame.

Ronald Reagan is seen riding one in the 1947 Schwinn catalog. Yes, Schwinn cruiser bikes are still in business and they offer good quality products. Their cruiser bikes are perfect for those who want a comfortable, stylish, and durable bike. They come in a variety of colors and styles to suit any rider’s needs. Whether you’re looking for a leisurely ride or a way to get some exercise, a Schwinn cruiser bike is a great choice. The 24-inch Cruiser is ideal for the younger rider who appreciates the time-honored qualities of riding comfort.