His and hers Schwinn adult beach cruiser bikes

During the late 1950s and early 1960s, bicycles imported from Great Britain and Continental Europe became popular, especially lighter and more nimble sports roadster models or “English racer”. These models featured three-speed gearing, taller wheels, narrower tires and lighter weight[11] and greater hill-climbing ability. By the late 1950s, U.S. manufacturers such as Schwinn ramped up production of the English racer.[12] Schwinn was no stranger to this style.

The rolling resistance of these bikes is low because of the large and glossy tires. Schwinn cruisers are easy to use, with simple controls that anyone can learn. This makes them a great choice for riders of all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced cyclists. The Typhoon dual-density grips and classic saddles add a touch of style and comfort, making the Schwinn Twin Classic Tandem Bike the perfect choice for your next adventure. Delivery cutoff times and shipping fees vary based on delivery postal code.

By the late 70s, Schwinn reintroduced heavyweights, but this time with a blend of BMX parts. The Spitfire was reintroduced as a heavyweight for 1977 and was sold through 1979 with reissue S2s that were made in Hungary. In 1980, Schwinn introduced the Cruiser Series which has survived multiple iterations and has been offered more or less continuously through present. The most desirable Cruisers are the Cruiser, Deluxe Cruiser and Cruiser 5.

schwinn cruiser bike

Schwinn cruiser bikes are good because they are known for their comfort and style. They’re perfect for leisurely rides around town or on bike paths. And with their wide, cushioned seats and upright riding position, they’re also great for riders who want to avoid back and neck pain. Cruisers are popular among casual bicyclists and vacationers because they are very stable and easy to ride, but their heavy weight and balloon tires tend to make them rather slow. The durable Schwinn cantilever steel frame has been updated with tubular leading axle front fork and cushioned hand grips.

Even though the idea of the beach cruiser is to slow down your fast-paced life, there’s nothing wrong with speeding up your laid-back life. Most e-cruisers are class 1, which means they top out at 20 mph, but some schwinn bikes go as high as 28 mph (class 3). The Schwinn Meridian Adult Tricycle is a great bike for anyone looking for a comfortable ride. With 26-inch wheels, it is perfect for those between 5’4″ and 6’2″ in height.

If you buy directly from us, we’re gonna allow you to customize it. We’re gonna change your rims, change tires, we can change seat colors, basically anything. So if you’re on our website, just navigate to the top, you’re gonna see a link says customizer.

We use a much different pallet, pastels, colors like that, and our speed options. If you look at our women’s cruiser, Around the Block cruisers, you can get all of those in one speed, three speed, seven-speed, twenty-one speed. And actually, I don’t think there’s any other cruiser company out there really doing a 21-speed cruiser. The reason we did that is that we want the cruiser customer to be able to have the same gears that any other bike comes with if they want it. Big difference between us and Schwinn, number one is the price point.

With that said, the other thing with Sixthreezero is we really focus on seats and comfort. So I think, personally, you’re gonna find our seats to be more comfortable than Schwinn seats. We use different foams, different sizes, different springs like that, that are gonna make our cruisers way, way more comfortable, especially as you move up in the price range. If you go to the In the Barrel or the women’s cruisers, you’re gonna see our seats, the bucket saddle, the stitching, it looks really nice, and it’s all about comfort.

The 24-inch Cruiser is ideal for the younger rider who appreciates the time-honored qualities of riding comfort. Beefy 650b x 2.3-inch tires roll smoothly on the road, but come to your rescue when the pavement gets sketchy or a sandy shortcut starts calling your name. schwinn road bike Its upright geometry puts you in a position that takes strain off your neck and back and lets you take in the sights around you, but isn’t ideal for steep climbs up winding mountains. Nor is the Shimano Altus 7-speed drivetrain, but that’s not what this bike is for.