Res caps are for closing up any openings in your dab rig for cleaning or storage. Once the nail is adequately heated, you’ll place your preferred amount of extracted concentrate glass pipe in the nail with your dab wand. The dab wand is an essential part of the puzzle since it safely sets your concentration in the nail, which can reach several hundred degrees.
The cap is a small glass piece that sits on top of your quartz banger. What this does is restrict the airflow going through your banger. You put the carb cap on Dab Rigs immediately after you place the concentrate, oil, or wax into your banger. When this happens the vaporizing really begins, and your dab rig fills with vapor.
This disturbance makes sure to get the most out of the highly concentrated cannabis products. The term “dab rig” refers to all of the equipment that is used when dabbing weed concentrates like hash and rosin. While they can vary in size, smaller is generally better for efficiency and effect. Regular maintenance of a dab rig includes replacing the nail or banger as needed, and checking the seal between the base and the downstem to ensure it is airtight. It is also important to keep the rig dry and away from extreme temperatures to prevent cracking or warping.
After you’ve done your research on the dab rig world, you may start to get an idea of what piece is calling out to you. Don’t be put off by the sometimes initially pricy setup costs of investing in good dab rings online. They’re an Dab Rigs investment piece — and once you’ve made your choice, you are virtually guaranteed complete satisfaction. So whether you’re looking for a small dab rig, unique dab rig, nectar collector or a recycler dab rig we’ve got you covered.
Dab Nail – This is heated up using a dab torch to create a melting dish for your concentrates. Dabs are placed in the nail and instantly vaporized, and the resulting vapor is pulled through the joint, through the percolator, and up the mouthpiece for your enjoyment… Almost every dab rig features some diffusion, which forces the vapor through a series of small, submerged holes — forming millions of tiny, beautiful bubbles! These tiny bubbles put more vapor into direct contact with water, resulting in a faster cooling time than you’d get with one big vapor bubble.