Glass Pipes from Bowls to Bongs

This bong features an awesome inline perc to help you enjoy those big clouds. This bong hits amazing but also looks amazing due to it’s frosted moon chamber. Our beloved Small Wide Base Water Pipe has a fresh look, exclusive to The same sweeping curves and compact size that make this a fan favorite have been updated in smokey green-grey glass with black accents. If your bong contains a percolator, you may have to pour some straight through the stem hole to get it to the bottom. If you need acetone for bong cleaning, look for it in the paint thinner section of a hardware store.

glass pipes

Disadvantages when it comes to clay or ceramic pipes are few, but the major one is the fact they are pretty fragile. While there’s still a good chance you could break a ceramic pipe if it drops, it’s more likely to survive than if it was made from glass. Pipes used for cannabis share the main characteristics of pipes used for tobacco. Once you have ground your dry herb with a grinder, fill the bowl to your liking.

Every waterpipe style has its own function and can be used with different materials. Not only are they all-natural and look cool, stone pipes actually hold a lot of advantages over other types of pipes such as glass and metal ones. You can choose from endless earthy colors and tones and some types of stones may possess healing properties or health benefits. While you can buy small acrylic pipes pretty cheap, the truth is, they often taste terrible to smoke out of. In fact, they can add a rather harsh taste to normally smooth weed, so they are not a favorite amongst stoners.

As time passed and smoking remained a popular activity in many cultures, different styles and pipe-making materials came about. Even as recent as a few decades ago, it was not uncommon to see people smoking tobacco and other dried herbs from hand pipes carved from stone, made of ceramic clay, corn cobs, or even metal. These days, the preferred material to make hand pipes out of is borosilicate glass. Our artists use a meticulous process to carefully craft each piece of our to perfection. From the structural aspect to aesthetic considerations and all of the fine details that go into ensuring the finished product is of the highest quality — it’s an intense process!

Purchasing it as paint thinner at the hardware shop can also save you money over purchasing bottle after bottle of nail polish remover. When cleaning with acetone, this is your best bet because, your next bong hit will be unpleasant if you don’t. That being said, constantly sucking from a dirty bong means more than just taking bad hits. You’re inhaling the filth that should have been filtered out of the weed. What’s more stressing is the water that sits at the base will act as a breeding ground for germs and mould.

This way you will be able to either add to the list yourself or make a solid informed decision based on this information alone. The second part we are going to go over is the carb hole. This little hole is the most powerful part of your pipe! The carb hole gives you the power to control exactly how big your rips are, so you don’t end up overdoing it. Typically the carb hole is placed on the left-hand side of the pipe.

This is typically where you would add any design elements, like a twisted body, colorful rocks, fuming, or anything else like that. Factory pipes on average tend to break easily, don’t work as well and just feel cheap — but not ours! All Fat Buddha glass pipes are handcrafted from the start to be the best. No single style is the best because everyone has their own preferences and needs for a glass pipe. To decide which option is right for you, it’s important to try out several different pipes.

We pride ourselves on our vast array of high-quality borosilicate for weed and our impressive selection of more affordable, cheap glass pot pipes for sale. Since there’s no shortage of variety, we’ve divided our glass pipe selection into a few helpful categories. These categories are mostly based on the size and shape of the pipe, so check out our glass pipes for sale online today and get the glass smoking pipe that’s right for your sesh. Including sherlock pipes, Gandalf hand pipes, mini pipes, spoon pipes, theme pipes, and a wide variety of other options for you to choose from.

Most of our selection of glass hand pipes has the traditional spoon shape with a round bowl and straight stem and the bowl on a spoon is slightly larger than a chillum or one-hitter. You can pack enough herb to smoke for a session on your own or to share with friends, but if you want larger hits, the steamroller pipe is the way to go. Our glass pipe shop features a variety of styles and brands, so you can get the perfect pipe no matter the budget. The process vaporizers bongs of making cannabis glass hand pipes by machine is much the same as the process for making glass weed pipes by hand, except the process is automated. Essentially, automated machines mass-produce glass weed pipes by applying heat to a tube of glass as it’s spun and maneuvered by another set of machines to create the desired shape and size. If the glass pipe was not constructed properly, it may contain internal stresses that are naked to the human eye.

One-hitters are awesome cylindrical tubes that look like cigarettes that can be used to easily smoke cannabis flower, tobacco, or other herbs. These small pipes usually hold no more than a hit or two at a time. A dugout is usually a wooden case that comes with the one-hitter and can be placed in your pocket much like a cigarette pack. You can easily load the one-hitter with the weed you store already broken up and ready to go inside the “dug-out” compartment of the case.