Schwinn Tricycles For Sale

This bike has “Meridian” printed on the right side and “Schwinn” along the chain guard. Log In to be able to add this product to your Wish List. Overall, an extremely easy bike to pedal and had a really quick pick up to it. It holds a lot of weight, when I started riding it, I weighed nearly 270. It really is a great bike, not as heavy as you would think, and really well made.

The analysis indicates that around 50% reviews were positive while around 44% of reviews had negative sentiment. We analyzed a total of 551 reviews for this product out of which, 107 reviews were received in the last 6 months. Springer saddle with low posture to make it easy to mount.

However, if you’re riding in a really hilly area, or plan to take your tricycle on grass or gravel, we’d recommend something with gears. In particular, the Barbella 7-speed might be a good option for hills, and the Vanell Mountain trike is a good choice if you’re on unpaved or rough terrain. Tricycle for adults – it has everything a potential user can need, it`s safe, balanced and sturdy, provides a comfortable ride and has a nice big rear basket. If you’re in the mood for a low-key activity outside of walking or are just trying to pick up a new hobby, you might want to consider getting an adult tricycle.

Schwinn Meridian

You may need a small 10 mm wrench to loosen them; if you use just a Philips screwdriver, you might end up stripping the bolt head to loosen the tight ones. After we install the rear fenders, we could hear the tires scraping on them. The trike features 26” wheels, which are some of the biggest right now in the tricycle market. The larger wheels also offer stability both during standing times and when riding.

Inappropriate vehicle size has a significant impact on the experience. If you’re a little shorter, the 24-inch model will be ideal for you. However, if you want a 26-inch experience, that’s OK; most people will be satisfied with the 26-inch model. Except for the wheel size, both versions are identical. We stand behind every single product, every single time. If you’re not delighted, connect with us and we’ll offer an exchange, credit or refund.

Unless the trike is a piece of crap the hubs should last for many miles. I’m much more familiar with tadpole recumbent trikes . I don’t read about owners having to frequently replace a hub on them, even on the entry level models.

The bigger wheels of the trike can also help you maintain stability when you are riding at high speeds. The pros of the Huffy Nel Lusso Trike far outweigh its cons. With an aluminum frame, adjustable seat, and handlebars, it allows for personalizing a fit for your own body. The handlebars allow for a relaxed upright riding position putting less stress on your back than other bikes. The low step-through makes it relatively easy to get on and off.

Of course, it`s not meant for speed riding – it lacks speed changes, the seat and handlebar are not accommodated for that as well. Also be aware that the steering doesn`t work like on a bicycle but by turning the handle bar – so you`ll have to do wider and slower turns. Additionally, the company provides a five-year guarantee. This means that you don’t have to worry about it the warranty at all. I weigh 410lbs and honestly expected the tires to blow as soon I I sat down for the first time.

Therefore, you should choose the appropriate tricycle. The Schwinn Meridian is an ideal size of 26-inches wheels that all can use. Additionally, the company offers a size of 24 inches for those with smaller and smaller feet. The Schwinn Meridian trike features 26” tires offering more speed but maintaining stability. The tires also features alloy rims that have stainless-steel spokes.