Best Motor Oils To Protect Your Engine

And differing opinions about which of the two oil brands provides better overall protection have been a long-standing contestation. Responses from vehicle owners are usually dependent on the type of car or mode of transport they own. Mobil 1 is more favored within racing circles, and Amsoil is more popular with people living in colder regions. Checking how much wear protection your motor oil has to offer is another foremost thing. Cause in the engine, there will be metal-to-metal contact that will always be going on and cause wear and tear in the machine.

Toyota Racing Development-supported NASCAR teams also use Mobil oil. We take your privacy rights seriously and we are dedicated to the mobil 1 oil protection of your personal data. You can find links to relevant notices and more information about ExxonMobil’s privacy program here.

The main difference between Mobil Super and Mobil 1 is that Mobil 1 advanced full synthetic oils have the latest additive and base oil technologies for great performance and protection. Mobil Super is a synthetic oil that provides performance similar to other synthetic oils on the market. Mobil 1™ Extended Performance motor oil offers outstanding protection for up to 15,000 miles between oil changes.

mobil 1 oil

I started having problems with oil consumption a couple of years ago in the envoy I had with 30-40,000 miles on it. I switched to AmsOil and never had a problem since in any of my trucks. The tables below show a list of Amsoil and Castrol GTX products and the intended use for each.

GREAT – this is the word that fully describes this product. It sticks and stays for a long time, unlike those cheap options that fall off fast. You can use it to lube almost everything you want Castrol GTX from air rifle chambers to rod bearings and more. For Automotive use in USA in 1985, it has been successfully used in over 750,000 light duty and over 120,000 Heavy-Duty engines Worldwide.