Vaporizers are a healthier alternative to smoking as they produce a cleaner, smoke-free vapour to inhale. As well as this, our vaporizers are available in a variety of forms including smaller, hand-held sizes for discreet use. Essentially, a vaporizer is a device that uses heat to convert a herb or waxy concentrate into gas without burning it. Vaporizers use a heat source, usually an electrical element, to heat your chosen herb to an optimal temperature at which it will release vapour without igniting them and releasing smoke. This allows you to inhale vapour alone and not take in any unwanted smoke. You can definitely get the job done with the lower- and medium-budget vaporizers.
You may think that the most expensive vaporizers are the only ones compatible with bongs, but this is simply not the case. As one of the more budget vaporizers on our list, the Flowermate Aura provides an enjoyable vaping experience, which can be improved further thanks to a handy water pipe adapter. Although I don’t love that the concentrate attachment juts out from the bottom of the device, the dabs hit better than other vaporizers with concentrate capabilities that I tested.
With the two experiences above, euphoria or calling your mom, read… We created the Plain Jane because we’re over the easy to break, hard to clean, and clogged up bongs with outdated colours and designs. This online shop requires a cookie to provide you with the most comfortable shopping experience possible.
I dunno, man, but the Hydrology 9 produces the smoothest vapor I’ve ever tasted. There’s something special about smoking cannabis. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that marijuana has been illegal in many countries for decades and has only recently been legalized in various states and countries. We do ship our orders usually within 1-3 business days from when we receive the order, expedited shipping orders are shipped that day or the following business day when possible. If for any reason we’re unable to meet this processing timeline, we’ll contact you with an update.
Once you’ve got your compatible vaporizer and bong, there really aren’t too many other accessories you’ll need. Of course, the journey begins with the search for a vaporizer that takes your fancy. Vapes open up an entire new horizon given the desire that comes with them to get up and get things done.
These systems provide a cleaner, smoother, and more flavorful hit compared to traditional methods of toking. Toke N Dab has tested many of these types of products, and selected the best herbal vaporizers bongs vaporizers in terms of function and performance. FunkyPiece’s online store carries a wide range of vaporizers for dry herb, concentrates and the very popular 510 thread cartridges.
This difference in the type of high or the intensity of the high will vary based upon your particular herb, but also due to the way you consume it. While regular glass pipes can produce strong, potent hits, the resulting smoke can also be a bit harsh on the lungs. Davinci’s Miqro is a small-but-mighty weep vape for those who aren’t looking to take bong-sized rips on the daily.
All CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC per the Controlled Substances Act. These products should be used only as directed on the label. They should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing.