Few items may temporarily have longer fulfillment times. We will not be accepting ship complete orders or backorders for this item. If you order depends on getting this item, we recommend you wait until Intex as resolved supply. If your order mainly consists of Intex items, it will be cancelled to avoid charging high shipping charges on the remaining items.
Baby will be irresistible (and hard to miss!) in this bright, poppy baby float, which features features a comfy headrest and leg supports. On top intex purespa of the tube are two inflatable characters for baby to play with. A backrest pillow provides support for your baby’s back, ,neck, and head.
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You can still receive delivery on qualifying items for a fee. This option is cute, but it does have some cons. The canopy is a bit difficult to attach properly. Also, since this is considerably bigger than most others on this list, you will probably want to use a pump to inflate it.
First baby perfect baby with intex pool for babies 1533 lbs. No. 6, inflatable float intex double back ring inner ring security security folder soft pillow. We went on a weekend getaway to a resort with private pool… We loved to make our baby try swimming in a pool and get used to water… He enjoyed swimming in it …My kid is now almost 1.5 years old and weighs around 10 kg and he sits comfortably in this float. Very good product for the price but the canopy is not detachable, it was little difficult to Handle the float with him inside it…
The smiley is back to bring a grin to your chops this summer. Sunnylife has released this classic ring float printed with the iconic motif, ready for summer fun. It doesn’t get more rock n’ roll than this pair of hot lips, the iconic motif for the Rolling Stones.
Ace may use such Feedback, without restriction, to improve or modify the Beta Test Program and Ace’s other products and services. You agree that Ace is under no duty to use your Feedback or keep your Feedback confidential. The order must be placed before 6pm local time on a day when the Participating Beta Test Program Retailer is open to be eligible for next business day delivery.
We reserve the right to change prices intex baby float without notice and to correct errors.