Ήταν Εκτελεστικός παραγωγός της τηλεοπτικής εκπομπής SocialGrowth.ert.gr. Ακαδημαϊκός συντονιστής προγραμμάτων επώασης ευρωπαϊκών κοινοπραξιών εκπαίδευσης. Commitment to transparency is commitment to an ongoing process of continuous improvement.
More than one third of big brands (36%) have published their progress towards reducing the use of virgin plastics for packaging, but only 18% do so for textiles deriving from virgin fossil fuels, which consumers are less likely to recognise as plastic. Just 3%, are publicly disclosing the number of workers in their supply chains laid-off due to COVID-19, leaving us with an ‘incomplete picture’ of the negative socio-economic impact workers have faced throughout the pandemic. When Fashion Revolution published the first Index in 2016, only 5 out of 40 major brands disclosed their suppliers and now six years later 117 out of 250 major brands disclose their suppliers. A score of 100% would free civil society organisations from the lengthy process of ‘proving’ responsibility and chains of custody and allow them to focus on driving impact by holding the brand accountable for addressing and mitigating issues and risks.
Just like art, fashion does not have to be liked by everyone, it is an expression of one’s tastes. Whilst art is usually locked into a drawing, sculpture, picture etc, clothes are a moving form of art; a unique characteristic. Fashion is also a source of art, allowing people to display their unique tastes and styling. Different designers are influenced by outside stimuli and reflect this inspiration in their works. For example, Gucci’s ‘stained green’ jeans may look like a grass stain, but to others, they display purity, freshness, and summer. Watch as our co-founder, Lilly Berelovich, speaks about building the FS trend platform, where trends are integrated into a creation environment.
Although fashion can be feminine or masculine, additional trends are androgynous. The idea of unisex dressing originated in the 1960s when designers such as Pierre Cardin and Rudi Gernreich created garments, such as stretch jersey tunics or leggings, meant to be worn by both males and females. The impact of unisex wearability expanded more broadly to encompass various themes in fashion, including androgyny, mass-market retail, and conceptual clothing.
We actively encourage publicly disclosed information to be scrutinised by anyone and everyone and used to hold brands to account. And, we will continue pushing big brands to put more information in the public domain. Real transparency, and a score of 100%, would also enable civil society organisations and experts, including the trade unions that represent garment workers, to scrutinise the disclosed information.
Transparency underpins sustainability – without transparency, achieving a sustainable, accountable and fair fashion industry will be almost impossible. We understand that citizens are seeking rankings of the ethics and sustainability of major fashion brands. Please read this letter published in April 2021 and signed by 33 NGOs, including Fashion Revolution, calling for full supply chain transparency in the clothing sector. Ultimately, the aim of the Index is not just transparency in and of itself. However, without transparency, achieving a sustainable, accountable, and fair fashion industry will be impossible. Following the industry schedule where several seasons are designed simultaneously, students are educated in all aspects of the design process for an easy transition into professional careers in the fashion industry.