Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Inc

Second, we learned through a DNA test through our vet – and also from the vet took one look at Rascal-the-pup during his new-puppy health check – that he was no English Springer Spaniel mix. If dogs are aging at 7 years for every human year, we can learn, in a short period of time, things that can inform human health. The Dog Aging Project is committed to advancing our understanding of aging and to accelerating medical breakthroughs for dogs and humans. We will integrate our findings about dogs with other scientific and medical programs around the world to power research on health and aging in a way never before possible. There is a temporary suspensionfor dogs imported from countries that CDC considers high risk for dog rabies. Beds for dogs are important to make sure your pup has a comfortable place to sleep.

Appropriate company for dogs Find out more about the social needs of dogs. Dog training Learn how to teach your dog basic commands using positive rewards. A healthy diet for dogs Find out more about the dietary needs of dogs.

Animal control officers had to rescue a dog stuck in the mud at a D.C. Now, they are reminding owners to keep their dogs on leashes. Access educational materials to use in your veterinary clinic and community to teach about dog bite prevention. From training tips to special offers, get the tools you need to keep your pet happy and healthy. Dexter was a rescue from our local San Diego County Animal Shelter.

Almost 1 in 5 people bitten by dogs require medical attention. Recalls & alerts Keep track of product alerts for pet foods, animal feed, and products used by veterinarians or animal owners. Arlo was still breathing but was unresponsive when rescuers arrived. They got him out of the field and his owners took him to an animal hospital, according to rescuers. Rescuers said a family was hiking on the Masontown trail when their dog, Arlo, got ahead of the group. Three moose were on the trail between Arlo and the family, and when he tried to go back to the family, one of the moose trampled him, according to rescuers.

Dogs must be on a leash at all times, except in dog runs and designated off-leash areas at the prescribed times. Drop them off in the morning and pick up a happy pup in the evening. Just like people, dogs rely on body gestures, postures and vocalizations to express themselves and communicate. While we can’t always read a dog’s body language accurately, it can give us helpful clues as to whether a dog is feeling stressed, frightened, or threatened. Dogs bite for a variety of reasons, but most commonly as a reaction to something.


Originally, as her owners were traveling to Hawaii, her name was to be an island oriented one, but evolved into our Lucy. First, Rascal started going through a secondary fear imprint stage where he was suddenly skittish and afraid of things he’d previously been fine with – wheelchairs, the clatter of a pair of falling crutches, etc. Borzoi is a notoriously skittish breed and young Rascal had suddenly come into his own, Borzoi-wise. After consulting with a local behaviorist we decided to take a break from therapy-dog work and training and to focus on the basics for a while. Basically to continue obedience training to wait out this perfectly normal -albeit frustrating- developmental stage. One day we introduced some liverwurst into his diet and worked on his sit.


Puppy Raiser families open their homes and hearts to raise a puppy that will one day be a trusted guide dog partner for a person who is blind. Trained guard dogs must be licensed and registered with the Health Department. They must wear their license tag and guard dog tag at all times.

According to statistics published by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association in the National Pet Owner Survey in 2009–2010, an estimated 77.5 million people in the United States have pet dogs. The same source shows that nearly 40% of American households own at least one dog, of which 67% own just one dog, 25% two dogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs. There does not seem to be any gender preference among dogs as pets, as the statistical data reveal an equal number of male and female pet dogs. Although several programs promote pet adoption, less than one-fifth of the owned dogs come from shelters.


People with pet dogs took considerably more physical exercise than those with cats and those without pets. The results provide evidence that keeping pets may have positive effects on human health and behavior and that for guardians of dogs, these effects are relatively long-term. Pet guardianship has also been associated with increased coronary artery disease survival. Human guardians are significantly less likely to die within one year of an acute myocardial infarction than those who did not own dogs. Dog meat is consumed in some East Asian countries, including Korea, China Vietnam and the Philippines, which dates back to antiquity. Based on limited data, it is estimated that 13–16 million dogs are killed and consumed in Asia every year.