Computerized Adaptive Testing Cat

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Domestic cats, especially young kittens, are known for their love of play. This behavior mimics hunting and is important in helping kittens learn to stalk, capture, and kill prey. Cats also engage in play fighting, with each other and with humans. This behavior may be a way for cats to practice the skills needed for real combat, and might also reduce any fear they associate with launching attacks on other animals. Certain species appear more susceptible than others; for example, 30% of house sparrow mortality is linked to the domestic cat.

The cat is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter ranges freely and avoids human contact. Domestic cats are valued by humans for companionship and their ability to kill rodents.

Some also develop odd eating habits and like to eat or chew on things like wool, plastic, cables, paper, string, aluminum foil, or even coal. This condition, pica, can threaten their health, depending on the amount and toxicity of the items eaten. Domestic cats’ scent rubbing behavior towards humans or other cats is thought to be a feline means for social bonding. During a fall from a high place, a cat reflexively twists its body and rights itself to land on its feet using its acute sense of balance and flexibility.

In the recovery of ringed robins and dunnocks , 31% of deaths were a result of cat predation. In parts of North America, the presence of larger carnivores such as coyotes which prey on cats and other small predators reduces the effect of predation by cats and other small predators such as opossums and raccoons on bird numbers and variety. The domestic cat’s hearing is most acute in the range of 500 Hz to 32 kHz. It can detect an extremely broad range of frequencies ranging from 55 Hz to 79,000 Hz. It can hear a range of 10.5 octaves, while humans and dogs can hear ranges of about 9 octaves.Its hearing sensitivity is enhanced by its large movable outer ears, the pinnae, which amplify sounds and help detect the location of a noise.

Ancient Egyptians may have first domesticated cats as early as 4,000 years ago. Plentiful rodents probably drew wild felines to human communities. The cats’ skill in killing them may have first earned the affectionate attention of humans.


A domestic shorthair cat caught COVID-19 from his owners who both tested positive for the virus, according to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. A video of a cat with a face which is wholly different on both sides has gone viral on TikTok with more than 15.5 million views. A video of a man cuddling up to a large male lion and kissing his nose has gone viral online, with people describing it as “absolutely beautiful.” “The scene is set for people to actively choose to focus on pets instead of children,” Shelly Volsche wrote.

The other lineage appeared in Egypt sometime between 6,400 and 1,000 years ago before spreading throughout the Mediterranean along paths that paralleled the region’s trade routes. Cats of both lineages continued to breed with the African wildcat (F. silvestris lybica) during their respective dispersals. To get the latest on pet adoption and pet care, sign up to hear from us. When cats mate, the tomcat bites the scruff of the female’s neck as she assumes a position conducive to mating known as lordosis behavior. You will have 90 days to complete the modules, which includes watching each module, taking a quiz, and earning a passing score of 80% or greater, in order to earn your certificate.


Families took their dead cats to the sacred city of Bubastis, where they were embalmed and buried in sacred repositories. Herodotus expressed astonishment at the domestic cats in Egypt, because he had only ever seen wildcats. General estimates for the global population of domestic cats range widely from anywhere between 200 million to 600 million.