The Definitive Guide To Intex Pool Care

The puncture-resistant three-ply pool liner feels rugged. The kids regularly bumped into and kicked the sides when they were playing with no effect. We even accidentally hit the side of the pool with a shovel, and there wasn’t even a scuff.

No matter your age, you can have fun with an Intex ultra frame pool. As well, there are a lot of swimming health benefits that you can experience with a new pool. If you know exactly what you need, you can save time and money by investing in the best Intex above ground pool. There are actually a few different types of swimming pools, children’s pools, inflatable vinyl, vinyl with a steel frame, and vinyl with a premium metal frame. Make it fun for everyone with the foldable PVC pet swimming pool.

If you have sand on the bottom you need to put some material that will stop wash out. Use a pool skimmer to remove debris from the surface of your pool. Also consider using a pool vacuum to clean any debris from the bottom intex purespa of your pool. Your filter will take care of a lot of the debris floating in your pool, but it will not get the debris on the bottom of your pool. This keeps a steady stream of chlorine in the pool at all times.

intex pool

Intex pools are easy to set up, but they must be cared for and treated just like any other regular swimming pool. When a new Intex pool is set up, you should use a pool kit that contains all the chemicals needed to correctly balance your water. Correctly balanced water is key to keeping your pool clean and clear. Vinyl Intex pools with a metal frame are more durable than the inflatable vinyl models. The metal frame gives the pool added stability, so you can use it for more vigorous activities, such as exercise or water sports. Even the pools with frames can usually be set up in an hour or less.

An 8-foot diameter pool with a depth of 30 inches can accommodate 2-4 people. With our top choices and buying guide, you can be prepared and feel confident investing in a top-rated Intex above ground pool. Just keep up with your weekly maintenance tasks and that pool should last you quite a while. Store all your equipment and accessories in a clean and dry place. To do this, you’ll need to first clean it well by brushing and vacuuming, then test and balance the water chemistry.

Everything stored away in a clean, dry place for that freezing cold winter coming? Once your pool liner is dry, you’ll need to fold it into as neat a square as possible to fit it back into its original packaging. You can use an extra large plastic storage container with a lid. If you need a bit of help folding the liner, chances are there’s a visual aid in your owner’s manual. At most, you’ll have to read a few instructions and connect the frame and some hoses.