
For instance, PVC pipe for plumbing applications and galvanized steel pipe are measured in iron pipe size . Copper tube, CPVC, PeX and other tubing is measured nominally, basically water pipes an average diameter. These sizing schemes allow for universal adaptation of transitional fittings. For instance, 1/2″ PeX tubing is the same size as 1/2″ copper tubing.

Whatever type of bong you choose to smoke with, you’ll be getting a quality product at a fair price — not to mention you’ll also receive free First Class delivery. First, we want to clarify that a female bong hasn’t anything to do whether a bong is considered a pretty or girly bong. If you have to place your bowl or another accessory onto the joint or downstem, you have a male pipe. If you have to put your bowl into the joint or downstem, you have a female bowl. When you have a female bong, it’s important to buy male accessories that will insert into your joint or downstem.

By understanding all these different components, you can customize your glass water pipe bong for cooler hits, more bubbles, and stop water from entering your mouth upon inhale. Let’s take a look at all the smoking accessories of a bong. glass pipes Water bongs are any bongs that allow for the use of water filtration. Generally, we recommend using a percolator, which helps the water filtration process tremendously by creating more bubbles, which allow for much more cooling.

Depending on how much you want to pull, size does matter. For those out there with iron lungs, we offer bongs with a 29.2 mm joint size for ginormous rips that leave you gasping for air. A dirty bong can look nasty, smell funky, impart an unpleasant taste to your smoke, and even lead to a harsh hit that will send you reeling.

water pipes

If you are on the go all the time and traveling than a silicone bong will be great. If you are budgeting, than you may want to look into mini bongs, acrylic, and silicone. If you have money to spend on something amazing than go for the glass bongs with extra accessories like a a showerhead perc and an ice pinch.

Seeking out a heavy bong that is thicker than 5mm will ensure that it can withstand impacts and last for ages. You can hand make these from different things in your home. However, you can purchase one like the Gravitron, which is glass and works way better than homemade. We want to supply your business with quality goods at the lowest possible prices.