Therefore it has 20-inch wheels so that an adult can comfortably sit in the saddle. In theory, there would be no upper age limit for those that could ride this bike either for fun or in competitions. However, there is no reason why taller children or those over 9 cannot ride on one. Assuming that the bike has arrived without damage the handlebar and the brakes can be difficult to set up to work properly. The pedals can be sent with the wrong left and right stickers on, or screw holes that are not the correct size.
Its frame is tough enough to withstand all types of terrain. Just be sure to put the young BMX rider in protective clothing and a helmet whilst they learn the best ways to handle the L10. Spills, as well as thrills, should be expected when using this bike. Do you like to get out in the fresh air and do something thrilling?
If you’re considering buying a BMX bike, you should do so with confidence. The bike has classy frame that will catch the attention of everyone who is out on the street. It is designed for pros and seasoned bicyclists who know everything about off-road adventures and rides. He did such a good job that he’s had to calm down strangers on the street who saw the bike and thought he’d chopped up an original Mongoose to make it. For one of the best BMX bikes with a tough frame and sturdy wheels, consider the Redline Bikes Proline BMX Race Bike. However, while the seat may be padded, it can still be stiff and uncomfortable.
Our $99 Bike Assembly is here to help you maximize your riding time. Just tighten the handlebars, install the front wheel,pedals and ride! This process is done with care, by our experienced professional technicians to ensure that your bike not only lasts, but most importantly is covered by any manufacturer’s warranty. The Legion Mag provided that it arrives safely and can be assembled without any hitches is potentially a good competition BMX. It has some good pros, which means that it can give its rider a reasonable chance of performing well in competitions. The handlebars, brakes, and gears if assembled without issues allow it to be a responsive bike.
Modeled after the 1983 bike design, it comes with a beefy Hi-Ten steel construction, Pro Series handlebar and top tube pads, and some bright snake belly tires. As if that wasn’t enough, though, Mongoose will be shipping each bike huffy mountain bike in an ’80s-inspired box with classic period-correct artwork. It has a strong and robust frame, ensuring that your kid is safe. It comes partially assembled, but you don’t really have to worry as its assembly process is easy.
Born out of a garage in SoCal back in 1974, Mongoose is synonymous with BMX. Mongoose designs BMX Freestyle and BMX Race bikes for riders of all ages and ability levels, and our bikes are trusted by some of the world’s best riders.