Whether it’s for flowers, dry herbs, or tobacco- savvy smokers have known about water pipes for millennia! glass pipes filter and cool dry herbs or tobacco to provide a kinder, gentler smoking experience, often with internal percolators to create an even smoother smoke. Tree percs look as their namesake implies looks like a tree turned upside down. The arms may or may not be open or closed on the caps and may also have slits on the sides of the arm. These features create smaller size bubbles to allow the water to cool and filter the smoke at a higher level.
The word bong is said to have originated from the Thai word “baung,” which is a bamboo pipe used for smoking weed. Popular joint sizes include 10mm, 14mm, water pipes and 18mm, and all in both male and female varieties. You want to insert the downstem into the bong joint, and the bowl into the downstem joint.
If silicone bongs are just not sturdy enough for you but you don’t want to deal with glass, than acrylic bongs are definitely the solution for you. While they are not shatter proof they are a bit more resilient to accidental drops. You can use water for the filtration process in acrylic bongs as well. We previously mentioned above in the journey of how smoke travels through a bong, cooling is done in the water chamber with the help of your percolator and downstem. Whether you prefer softer hits or have sensitive lungs, then buying a bong with an equipped downstem, ice pincher, and percolator is recommended to reap the benefits of maximum cooling.
Joint -This is the a connection between a bong and a downstem, or a downstem and glass bowl or dab nail. Unlike the unfiltered, direct hit of adry pipe, water pipes and bongs filter smoke through a chamber of water before it travels up the neck to be inhaled. Aside from health, bongs make for a more comfortable and pleasurable smoking experience.
If you consider yourself Poseidon god of the sea and can manipulate water as well as you can massive rips, then a 29.2mm joint size will help you level up. Percolator bongs use various styles of percolators, which filter and diffuse smoke for smoother hits. Pipes characteristically have harsh dry hits, but percolators help moisturize your hits by causing smoke and water to interact more often. Straight tube bongs also known as straight-shooters are your classic bong; the straight shape of the chamber creates the most direct hits and they’re extremely easy to clean. In most cases, the bong should be filled about half an inch above the bottom part of the downstem, so that it’s submerged in water.
Glass is often favored because it has a clean, pure taste and does not flavor the smoke. Resin build-up is easy to see in a glass bong and easy to clean. While and water pipes may be slightly more expensive, they are usually a better option.