If you like smoking in style then water pipes are the right option for you. To keep your bong in pristine condition you will want to clean it after every use, but I know that’s a lot to ask so cleaning every few uses will work too. Start by emptying the ash from the bowl and put it in a ziplock with alcohol and salt, do the same thing with the down stem. Move them around and gently shake the bag to release the resin from the parts. When the tube or chamber is full you will need to clear it, to do so remove the bowl from the downstem as you continue to pull in the smoke.
Congrats, you’ve officially smoked out of a water pipe bong! One important thing to remember — if any of the water that you added to your bong touches your lips, glass pipes you’ve added way too much. It may take a couple of hits and emptying or refilling the bong with water to get it just right, but that’s perfectly fine.
This bong is massive, with smoke swirling around it like a vortex. This bong comes with a pinched neck that will cool the hits before they reach your lungs. Check out our list of the best bongs for sale based on different criteria below. Cannabox is the best online smoke shop, you will be sure to find something to match perfectly with your style.
Filtration– When anything is lit on fire there are carcinogenic materials produced as a result. Also, play an important role in catching unpleasant byproducts from smoking, such as the tar. All smokers can relate to the terrible experience of pulling hot ash straight through a pipe and into your mouth when smoking.
Once you have the right amount of water in the bong and a fully-packed bowl, it’s time to have some fun. Place your lips on the mouthpiece located at the top of the neck, light the tobacco and start breathing in. Once you’ve reached your lung capacity, pull the bowl out for an intense sensation of smoke and then breathe out slowly and chill.
This glass isn’t the kind of cheap glass you get in beverage and beer bottles. This is dense, shatter-resistant glass designed for use in laboratories and chemistry experiments! However, even this space-aged Borosilicate Glass does have its limits. You always want to exercise caution with even the thickest and most seemingly invincible bongs to ensure they don’t take a nasty fall. You might imagine a glass bong to be a fragile thing, like a cheap glass soda bottle. While you’re certainly right to respect the limits of glass durability, all of our glass bongs are made to stand up to real-world use and are pretty durable.