Bongs have been in use by the Hmong in Laos and Thailand, as well all over Africa, for centuries. This article is about a pipe that is used for smoking cannabis and other substances. For the preparation of cannabis leaves and flowers, see Bhang. We also offer a large assortment of replacement and upgraded glass bowls. This is the final step to taking a bong hit like a pro and it is sadly often missed.
Now you can use your bong as a dab bong or you can invest in a dab rig as you get more into concentrates. The oldest were solid gold and used over 2,000 years ago so honor your ancestors by choosing a water pipe today. The water pipe has a straw or a pipe that comes out at an upward angle from the side of the pipe. To smoke a water pipe, you have to draw the smoke through the straw for it to go through the downstem, into the water, and out at the straw again. A dirty bong can look nasty, smell funky, impart an unpleasant taste to your smoke, and even lead to a harsh hit that will send you reeling. Tars and resins naturally accumulate inside your bong as you smoke through it.
allow you to have a better smoking experience and express your own individuality. At Hemper, you can find some of the most popular bongs and water pipes being sold today. We even have our own line of bongs, so find a water pipe you will enjoy.
Aside from health, bongs make for a more comfortable and pleasurable smoking experience. The cooler filtered smoke produced from a bong hit is much smoother and less likely to induce coughing. A glass bong gives a pure and unaltered smoke, which allows you to taste all of the deeper aromas produced. Let’s start off by explaining exactly how bongs or water pipes work. This is quite simple, when inhaling the smoke it travels through the downstream and into the water where it will start bubbling. This process is not only cooling down the smoke but filtering out some of the ash and tar from entering the airways.
Durable, heavy-duty, and reliable, even in modern times, ceramic glass pipes hold their own. They’re a great choice if you’re looking for a simple bong that tastes great, performs well, and will stand the test of time. Made from BPA-free, heatproof silicone, this is the piece that can take on any adventure you throw at it. This means it’s perfect to throw into a stuffed backpack as you’re about to hit the trail. If that’s not enough, they come in a range of crazy colors and designs and are dishwasher safe.
We critically analyze our glass pipes, water pipes, bubblers, and dab rigs for quality. This thorough inspection includes taking into account levels of smoke production, smoothness, and flavor. All of these tests are performed prior to adding a new item to our product line. Also, by conducting these inspections, we are able to provide our clients with glass bongs of only the highest grade leading to higher customer satisfaction. We understand the importance of personalization & customization.
Too much could leave you with a soapy aftertaste during your next few sessions. Stemless bongs connect directly to the base, usually at a 90-degree angle, which improves diffusion while making the whole bong one elegant, flowing piece. Snodgrass eventually settled in Eugene, Oregon, and began teaching others the craft of homemade bong-making.