Shop Pipes & Bongs

That’s why we have all of the general glass pipe accessories and smoking accessories you’ll ever need for your shop (or for your personal use!). And, as we may have mentioned, all of our pipes can be used as glass tobacco pipes, too – it’s just that the nature of our work surrounds cannabis, which is why we’re always calling them weed pipes. Fragility – Some say the only downside to glass herb pipes is their risk of shattering, but with proper care and attention a glass pipe will last for years.

Choose from an assortment of spoon pipes, Sherlock pipes, color-changing pipes and custom hand-blown pipes. Whichever way you choose to smoke, we’ll make sure your next sesh is top-notch. Glass pipes are an absolute essential and a classic way to smoke. We carry many different types of glass pipe such as steamrollers, sherlock pipes, chillums, and spoonswhile also stocking unique and cool glass handpipes and bowls made by talented glass blowers.

glass pipes

The tip will also push out any residue that has been left behind. As we mentioned, there’s no method of smoking that’s as convenient as a glass pipe. These beautiful pipes can range in size, meaning you can take yours wherever you go. Take it in your purse, pocket, or backpack so you’re always ready.

If you go silicone or acrylic the prices can be cheaper but if you get more features for your bong or get a more unique or advanced bong such as a recycler or honeycomb you can expect prices to go up. No need to sweat; Daily High Club shows the exact joint size and gender you need when selecting any of the bongs in our online head shop. Understanding the different joint water pipes sizes on your bongs and pipes is important when knowing what type of hits you will get from your water bong. We crafted an in-depth guide so you can understand how every part of the bong works. The water filtration chamber of a bong helps in multiple ways. The water works as a surface area the smoke must travel through and as it passes through the water cools the smoke.

Ever since blowing water pipes took on a resurgence in cannabis culture, glass pipes have been the most frequently used and most popular smoking apparatus among consumers. With so many different techniques being developed, glass blowers are in high demand and because it is such a hard skill to master, there is still a lot of opportunity for the market to evolve. As it stands, the glass market is currently split between automated mass-produced glass pipes and custom hand blown glass pipes. Spoon – Thanks to their sleek profile and ergonomics, spoon pipes are the most popular hand pipe option. Glass pipes are among the most versatile and convenient ways to smoke dry herb. Because they require nothing more than a lighter, glass pipes work well for basically any situation whether you are smoking at home or on the go.

If a glass blower wants to make two pipes out of their initial tube of glass, the process is basically the same. The only difference comes at the very beginning, when the blower first applies heat to expand the tube of glass. If the artist is making two pipes, they will start by forming two stretched-out bulbs in the center of their tubing. The artist carefully snaps the tubing into two pieces once both bulbs are hot. The glass blower uses a tool to punch one hole in the bottom of the bowl for the mouthpiece and punches another on the side of the bowl for the carb hole. After, the artist places the bowl on a flat surface and gently presses down, giving the bowl a flat bottom so it doesn’t tip over when in use.

Named after Sherlock Holmes, this iconic style pipe has been in style for more than a century. The classic long and curved neck makes these glass pipes an elegant choice. Our Striped Glass Sherlock Pipe is a fun, colorful twist on the original wooden style. Similarly, glass gandalf pipes have a long neck with a small, deep bowl. While you may not be slaying orcs from the comfort of your living room, it’s hard not to impress with either of these classic pipes in hand. Learning to pack a glass pipe is simple, and using the pipe is even easier.

Dirty bong water in your mouth is something you want to avoid, which makes splash guards the perfect solution as it prevents water from entering your mouth upon inhalation with bongs and pipes. Mini bongs are small bongs that are great for travel or a bit more discretion. A mini bong gets everything done that a regular bong would but would have harsher hits compared to larger bongs because of the size. With water, a mini bong can also be known as a waterpipe glass. We previously mentioned above in the journey of how smoke travels through a bong, cooling is done in the water chamber with the help of your percolator and downstem.