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These commands, to discover the values of component data, to construct astrological artifacts, engineered to the empirically observable zodiac positions, are key to all systems, apparatuses and reference resources, which in turn represent the methodological expression of this invention. Variations on system type are books, games, multi-media, ephemerides, computer programs, dial-in operators or servers, internet web sites, and syndicated commercial communications. From the Table of Grahas, one can see clearly that for every component graha, the veritable position, to the degree, is always different from the positions found by Eastern prior art.

The transit overlay be made to most any type of astrological chart. The artifacts may be assembled into analytic tables, charts or grids, a reference resource or an astrological profile. Conveniently, the veritable zodiac component data is presented on a calendar basis in the form of an astromoner’s chart, an ephemeris, a book of houses, or a lunar table, in conjunction with sidereal time adjustments, as necessary. Each zodiac constellation may be provided with a uniform 30 degree arc of a 360° coordinate sphere, with each degree being further divisible by sixty minutes, and each minute by sixty seconds, with precise determinations of planetary positions within a constellation being describable as such. Alternatively, if desired, each zodiac position can be determined based on the actual layout of stars in each zodiac constellation.

This bottom section presents a comparison of positions among these methods. Tables 7, 8 and 9 showcase the methods of invention across the Astrology Chart artifact types of Natal, Progressed and Transits, respectively. In Tables 7 and 8, the veritable Charts are displayed above Tables of Planetary Positions, Angular Regents and Astrological Disposition, and are contrasted by the Western prior art artifacts for the same subject parameters. In Table 9, the Transit data, like the Progressed data or the Natal data, is veritably determined according to its parameters of date, time and location. The transit data then is placed on the subject chart, by Overlay technique, as shown therein.

Similarly, Donald Trump’s well-known activities and personality stem from his Sun in Taurus, this sign ruling personal property, real estate, physical beauty, love of riches and bodily pleasure. The profile by invention features this, while the prior art places his Sun in Gemini, the sign ruling the mind, communication, education and ideas. Because the Sun is a preeminent planet, if it were in Gemini, astrology indicates a fully different life focus, personality and purpose from Donald Trump than the self-made, real-estate, casino and beauty-pageant mogul. Table 6 presents side-by-side Comparisons between the veritable methods, Western tropical methods and Eastern Vedic, sidereal ones.

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These component data an artifacts provide accurate, naturally factual, representations, in contrast to those provided by contemporary astrology. Once component data is established, the values can be processed into analytic charts, tables and aspect grids, displaying and representing the astrological profile of subject inquiry. The method of claim 1 which further comprises processing the veritable zodiac component data into astrologers’ artifacts which are then utilized to predict, reveal, comment or interpret the astrological disposition of the subject. The profiles by invention are generated by approximately processing the prior art component data found in the Jillson profiles. Here, all prior art component data are adjusted by an approximate, corrective, amount, being to shift prior art 0 positions one zodiac sign back, i.e. earlier in the circuit.